
Photo by Jacqui Geux

Ark in the Park has been the subject of many research projects looking at a range of topics such as the distribution of native species, managing predator control in a mainland island, and the complexity of our forest. 

This has seen us work with researchers from institutions both here in New Zealand and overseas. The Ark has also been studied by several postgraduate students as part of research projects and theses.

Doing research at Ark in the Park

If you are interested in doing research or monitoring at Ark in the Park, please get in touch with us.

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Research library

The following papers and reports were completed at the Ark, and are available to download.

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Elisabeth A. Fraser & Mark E. Hauber

(New Zealand Journal of Zoology)

Higher call rates of morepork, Ninox novaeseelandiae, at sites inside an area with ongoing brodifacoum poisoning compared with matched non‐managed sites. Read online (Free PDF)

Andrew Warneford

(MSc thesis. Massey University)

Controlling pests in New Zealand sanctuaries: Varying the spatial distribution of the standard grid system in a mainland conservation project. Thesis (PDF)

Ami Maxwell

(Auckland Council summer studentship)

Arboreal Relative Rat Density vs. Ground Relative Rat Density at Ark in the Park, New Zealand. Report (PDF)

Eruera Nathan

(Report for Ark in the Park and Auckland Council)

Research Summary: The spatial extent of pest management outcomes at Ark in the Park, Waitakere Ranges Regional Park. Summary Report (PDF)

Bruce Calvert

(Ark in the Park volunteer)

Botanical survey of vascular flora at Ark in the Park.

Summary Report (PDF)

Data (Excel)


Iris Clerx

(HAS University of Applied Sciences)

Correlations between rat presence and geographical features. Report (PDF)

Kōkako Recovery Group


Advocacy Guide for North Island Kōkako Report (PDF)

Ark in the Park

Wasp control operation, Ark in the Park, Waitākere Ranges 2016. Report (PDF)

Kōkako Recovery Group


Kōkako Standard Management Techniques Report (PDF)

Erin Grierson and Casey Will

(Auckland Zoo)

2020 kōkako census report.   Report (PDF)

Amanda Rogers and Dave Bryden

(Independent contractors)

2020-21 kōkako nest monitoring report. Report (PDF)

Erin Grierson and Casey Will

(Auckland Zoo)

2021 kōkako census report.  Report (PDF)

Madeleine Powers

(Independent contractor)

2023-24 kōkako nest monitoring report. Report (PDF)

Amanda Rogers and Dave Bryden

(Independent contractors)

2024 kōkako survey report.   Report (PDF)