Ark in the Park team

Photo by Andrew Murdoch

Ark in the Park office team

Christine Mansford

Christine Mansford

Volunteer Coordinator - fixed term

Christine joined the Ark as a volunteer in 2019, and has been on ‘stand-by’ to assist the project with field operations and volunteer coordination since.

A professional conservation contractor with a background in ecology (PGDipSci, MSc), Christine is involved with many projects and groups around the Waitākeres and has an excellent understanding of the local environment and its communities.

She looks forward to supporting Ark volunteers in the incredible work they do restoring the biodiversity of the Waitākere Ranges.

Dylan Tariau

Dylan Tariau

Field operations - fixed term

Kia orana. I’ve been working for the Ark since the start of 2023 as a sole contractor. Prior to this role I was a team leader for a local biosecurity company involving pest plant control, targeting key native ecosystems within the Tāmaki Makaurau region. As I step into this new frontier, I hope to learn and gain new skills and experiences through working with and organizing volunteer activities.

As well as having ventured into conservation, I previously completed an MLA (Masters of Landscape architecture), looking at solutions for waterway management and preserving cultural heritage by using digital tools and immersion. This project led to me having a more robust appreciation for New Zealand’s natural and cultural environments, whilst understanding the planning required to secure their futures. Aside from education, as a born and bred ‘westie’ I’ve always been drawn to the Waitaks and the west coast. The long stretches of forestry, the sky-reaching dunes and the never-ending horizon, it all paints a picture of home. And having lived more than a decade away from it all, I’m proud to be back and a part of the Ark to assist in the longevity and health of its natural beauty by working and learning with passionate volunteers.

Volunteer representatives at the Ark

Ken Harrop

Ken Harrop

Volunteer Representative

Ken happened to be a patient of Dr. John Sumich, one of the founders of the Ark in the Park, and in 2005 received from him a ‘green prescription’ along the lines of “Join the Ark, or at least buy a substantial number of bags of my macadamia nuts,” (a fundraiser John was running from his GP rooms). Ken and partner Rosemary were soon out trapping and baiting every month or so, and on her retirement Rosemary got more heavily involved, then when Ken retired in 2016 he found himself thrust into trap maintenance and trapper training, after the long-standing trap man, the able Stu, pulled back from the role.

Long before the rāhui and Covid, Ken’s dream of walking every track in the Waitākere Ranges dwindled away to a weekly scramble in the 2000 odd hectares of the Ark. At the same time his whole social life began to revolve around the Ark, and possibly ‘at least I know him’ was a reason he was elected as a volunteer rep to the Ark management Committee some years ago. 

Contact info:, 027 777 3880

Jo Ballagh

Jo Ballagh

Volunteer Representative

After many years at an indoor job, in 2014 Jo was looking something to do outside with a conservation programme. An email to Forest and Bird was answered by Laurence at the Ark in the Park, and so began a volunteer career in the Waitākere Ranges baiting lines on Thursdays all over the Ark in the Park area. Being slow to say no to Laurence soon meant a position in the Scenic Drive South Trapline too. And eventually time doing data entry, weeding with Colleen and other odds and ends that needed doing around the Ark office were added to the activities.

Contact info:

Bufferzone and Outreach team

This part of the Ark is undergoing some change – watch this space! We farewelled the amazing Sarah at the end of 2022 as she’s now caring for te taiao closer to her home at Awhitu Landcare. In the meantime Annalily is kindly and voluntarily taking care of our buffer zone – our regular email is still running and there’s more info on our Buffer Zone page

Annalily van den Broeke

Annalily van den Broeke

Buffer Zone and Outreach Coordinator

Annalily coordinates the Ark in the Park buffer zone, working with private landowners to expand the predator control efforts surrounding Ark in the Park. A big part of her job is connecting with the community by keeping them up to date about what is happening, answering questions, and providing specific advice on predator control. She also coordinates the voluntary “street coordinators” who help with delivery of bait or traps.

Annalily moved to New Zealand from the Netherlands ten years ago and has been involved with conservation ever since. After a long career in project management in the arts, she transferred her skills to working for the environment, with communities and in conservation. In her spare time, she is the Chair of Forest & Bird Waitākere, secretary of neighbouring project Matuku Link and on the board of several other conservation groups.